new TraceManager()
It manages a set of traces.
- Source:
Return the trace with id name If it was not registered, return undefined.
Name Type Description name
string - Source:
init_trace(name:, params:)
Explicitly create and initialize a new trace with the given name. The optional uri parameter allows to initialize the trace URI. If another trace exists with the same name, then it is replaced by a new one.
See the Trace documentation for the definition of parameters. They are:
- url: the Trace url (for reading or writing)
- mode: the access mode - "r", "w", "rw" (default)
- requestmode: the HTTP method for creating obsels - "GET", "POST" (default)
- syncmode: the synchronization mode - "delayed", "sync", "none" (default)
- format: the serialization format - "json" (default), "json-compact", "turtle"
- default_subject: the default subject id (default: "")
- handshake: is an initial handshake needed (default: false)?
Name Type Description name:
string the trace name
object the trace parameters
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